scotch in Watertown
Sullivans SQ Liquors is a leading liquor store for the best bottles of Scotch in Watertown. From the all time popular whiskeys to the latest arrivals and trending scotch, we store everything. Our large inventory of the most popular scotch whiskeys offers single malt as well as blended varieties.
Barefoot Moscato 1.5L
$13.99Cielo Prosecco 750 ml
Bulleit Bourbon 375ml
$22.99Chivas Regal 375 ml
$24.99Beefeater Gin 750ml
$29.99Ciroc Apple 750ml
Buy Johnnie Walker Black Label, Glenfiddich, Monkey Shoulder, Grand Macnish Scotch, and any other scotch you wish to sip. Our selection of scotch in Watertown gives full liberty to our customers to choose the best bottle for any occasion. With our online whiskey delivery, we make sure your drink cabinetry is not empty for a single day. Sullivans SQ Liquors offers excellent discounts and deals on buying whiskeys from our store or home delivery.